Protecting Your Rights And Those Of Your Children When It Comes To Vaccines

Jeff_Bell_Headshot_06-07-2015_Cropped Regardless of what you may believe about the safety and efficacy of vaccines, I am sure you will agree that no medical practitioner or government agency has the right to force you to submit your child to vaccines. As a parent, this should always be your right.

But there is a hideous new trend across much of the United States of America, (the so-called leader of the free world and the shining example of liberty for all.) Read on – warning, be prepared to be disgusted.

Here’s the scenario:  You bring your child in for a wellness checkup. The doctor or nurse comes in and says: “You child is due for vaccines to stay on the schedule…” or words to that effect.

Knowing that vaccines pose very high risks of serious and often irreversible harm, you say, “Wait a minute.  I do not consent to have my child vaccinated at this time.  I know the risks and do not feel safe as, a parent, allowing this medical procedure.  Therefore, you do not have my medical consent.”

The doctor or nurse then threatens to call CPS and possibly even detain you and your child in their office until the CPS official arrives on the scene.

Here is what to do:

Start by informing the doctor or nurse that you are now recording the rest of the conversation.  Turn on your recording device.  (Could be a cell phone or any other audio recording device you may have.  I never go to any medical appointment without one.  These days, you should not, either.)  Inform the doctor or nurse that you are now recording the conversation to protect your legal and medical rights and those of your child.

Here is an example of the wording you might use:

“I, Mary Smith, am here in the office of Dr. Joe Schmoe with my son, John Smith, who is 3 years of age and a minor.  The date is December 11, 2018.  It is 10:45 am.  Dr. Joe Schmoe is here in the office with me.  Dr. Schmoe has just informed me that I must submit my son, John to a number of vaccines.  I do not consent to this medical procedure.  In order to help protect my rights and those of my child, John Smith, I am recording this conversation. Dr. Schmoe has been informed that I am recording this conversation.”

Then insist that the doctor or nurse acknowledge that they have been informed that the conversation is being recorded.  This step is crucial.  Do NOT skip it.  Their acknowledgement MUST be on the recording.

Frequently, that will end the confrontation right then and there.  Most doctors and nurses do not want a complaint filed against them with the medical ethics board, especially since they will know at that point that you will be armed with evidence that is admissible in a court of law, namely the recording you are making.

Now, here is the script to follow if the confrontation continues:

“Excuse me. I want to make sure that I understand you correctly.  Are you saying that if I agree to let you administer those vaccines today that we will walk out of here with no problems but if I refuse the vaccines that you will call CPS and file a report?”

If they persist, continue the script, as follows:

“Exactly what will you be claiming as the reason for calling CPS and/or attempting to detain me and my child?”

If they persist, here is the next question to ask:

“Are you familiar with the Nuremberg code and what it says about informed consent?”

If they persist, here is the next question to ask:

“Are you aware of the informed consent laws for our state?”

If they persist, here is the next question to ask:

“Do you understand the implications of your statement and what it means for a medical professional to use methods of coercion and intimidation to get consent for a medical procedure?”

If they do not back down at this point, state the following:

“We are done here.  I am under duress and I will not be threatened or manipulated to consent to any medical procedures nor will I be signing any documents.  If you do not let me leave and if you file a CPS report with false claims, I will call my attorney and report you to the medical board of our state for attempted coercion, which is illegal.”

In most cases, the above will be more than sufficient to secure your freedom to leave, taking your child with you.

In any case, make sure that you save the recording in case you ever need it to prove your version of the conversation.  If possible, make a copy of the recording and ask a close, trusted friend or relative to store the copy for you.

When you practice this and if you ever need to use it, channel the sacred, fierce energy of a Mama Bear, protecting her cub.  (Apologies, fathers, but that is the energy you want.  It will not hurt you one bit to tap into that awesome feminine power, even if you’re a guy.)

Practice the script until you can follow it reliably in your full presence and power.  You can even print out your own copy of the above script and bring it with you.  It is OK to read the script, word-for-word right there in the office.

Practice using your cell phone or other recording device until you are certain that you can reliably use it to make a recording of any such possible conversation.  Make sure the batteries are fully charged, or that you have spares with you.

Of course, ideally, before you bring your child to any medical office, I would encourage you to ask them what their vaccine policies are.  If they are not to your liking, consider finding another medical practice.

Vaccine Laws For Your State:  Note that vaccine laws in the United States of America vary surprisingly widely.  To protect your medical freedom, it pays to do a bit of research and make sure you understand the laws that apply to vaccines and vaccine policies in your state.  Here is a website where you can find the vaccine exemption laws in your state:

Vaccine Exemption Laws For Your State

Here is a website where you can learn more about the general vaccine laws in your

General Vaccine Laws For Your State

I wish to acknowledge Hillary Simpson for providing the initial content for the above script and the impetus for me to enhance it and make it available.  Thank you, Hillary!  I have added some important details, based on the actual experiences of some of my clients, who have had challenging confrontations with their children’s medical practitioners, and who have shared their experiences with me.  Thank you, concerned, wise, informed and ethical parents !!

To your great health!

Jeff Bell

Disclaimer:  In the interest of full disclosure I state that I am not a lawyer, and that I have no legal training.  Further, the information in this document is provided for educational purposes, only. This document is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or otherwise provide specific recommendations in relation to health, nor are any such possible recommendations implied or inferred.  The author of this document invokes the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America and specifically the rights to free speech guaranteed therein.  The contents of this document are his legal free speech expression according to those rights.

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