More Disturbing News From Japan – Are You Prepared?

I have no wish to be a fear monger.  However, I also believe that ignoring serous threats, staying in denial or buying into the mainstream PR spin does not serve humanity.  So I must share the following:  According to world renowned physicist, Dr. Michio Kaku, the situation with the crippled nuclear power plants in Japan is far worse and far more dangerous than we are being told. 

Let’s let him speak for himself.   I urge you to watch this brief but informative video interview:

If after you are watching this you concerned, I recommend that you read through my last several posts on this issue. They contain a number of essential measures that you need to know about. These are practical steps you can take right now, both to prepare for what may be coming and to lessen the risks and dangers to yourself and your family.

Please post your questions, comments and suggestions in the comments sections below the posts. I want to open this up to as much dialog as possible so that we can all raise our level of understanding and share as much of this vital safety and health information as possible.

To your health!

Jeff Bell

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