Review: “Hormone Balance Made Simple” by Dr. John Lee, M.D.

Hormone_Balance_Made_SimpleI believe that this book is one of the most important health books I have ever read.

Here’s why:

Reproductive hormone balance is a critical factor in human health, for both men and women. In most ways, the human body is marvelously resilient and maintains its balance very well without much attention from us. However, reproductive hormone balance seems to be more delicate and is much more easily thrown out of kilter than most other systems. The problem is compounded by living in the industrial age where we are exposed to many environmental toxins and chemical contaminants.

Reproductive hormones are particularly vulnerable to disruption from toxic exposures and chemical contaminants. In fact, many chemical contaminants have been labeled as: “endocrine disruptors”, (read: “hormone unbalencers”.)

Dr. John Lee’s book explains all the basics of reproductive hormone balance in simple, clear language that anyone can understand. The book provides a good summary of the practical steps for achieving reproductive hormone balance.

His explanations and recommendations are the very same ones that he developed in the course of his lifetime of clinical practice and research. The information is strongly supported by Dr. Lee’s enviable track record with the thousands of clients he helped.

In short, this book takes a potentially complex subject and makes it accessible to anyone interested in using it to address specific hormone balance issues.

However, please be aware that reproductive hormone balance is a potentially complex subject. And while this book provides the essential background to more effectively take control of your own health in this vital area, most will need to collaborate with a properly-trained health care professional, at least to get started.

In summary, anyone wishing to understand reproductive hormone balance, and wanting to apply the principles to their own health would do well to read this book. I give it my highest and strongest recommendation.

Dr. John Lee’s Hormone Balance Made Simple: The Essential How-to Guide to Symptoms, Dosage, Timing, and More

By the way, if you are interested in more specifics that apply directly to men’s reproductive hormone balance, send me an e-mail and I’ll send you an appropriate link – – (I would still read this book, first, for the background.)

To your health!

Jeff Bell

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